I found myself deep in a sea of wrapping paper chaos. Tape stuck everywhere but where I needed it. Scissors vanished as if by magic. And the paper split in all the wrong places.

But guess what? Instead of a holiday meltdown, I felt happy.

Yes, happy. Wrapping gifts gave me this odd joy, like sipping cocoa on a snowy day. I’m not alone in this feeling. There’s science behind it. A study shows wrapping gifts can lift your mood. Crazy, right?

They watched people wrap boxes while checking their moods. And guess what? The more they wrapped, the happier they felt. So, when you see those pop culture gift wraps, know they do more than look good.

Amidst life’s madness, we all crave a bit of joy. It’s okay to find happiness in small things. Like wrapping up a cool Carebear-themed gift.

And hey, dealing with life’s chaos, thought about some “me” time?

Reboot your mind and body. You deserve it.