Ever tried to chat with a brick wall?
Family can be complicated especially when it comes to having extremely real relationships what speak to the gut wrenching truth. That’s how it feels with my sister. She’s a pro at ignoring calls and never texts back. Our last meaningful talk? Nine years ago. Seriously, nine whole years have passed.
I finally figured it out. She isn’t heartless. It’s just that my knack for being gut wrenchingly honest and reading emotions freaks her out. She’s still sorting herself out, and I needed to step back from that.
Emotional intelligence isn’t just about feeling your feelings or getting someone else’s. It’s about giving others the space they need, even when it’s rough.
In today’s crazy, tiring world, that skill is gold. When you get emotions—yours and theirs—life drains you less, and suddenly you’re on the path to making more money.
Want to make that real?
Managing emotions isn’t just smart—it’s absolutely necessary.
Join us at Aware Training Institute. Being super aware and sensitive doesn’t have to be hard anymore. Learn to manage your energy and emotions well, and see how life gives you more than just the basics—a shot at real success.
Check it out HERE